Welcome to Brillen in Mitte!


Welcome to 180 sqm feel good!
Take a leisurely stroll through our spacious, open spaces.
Take a first look at the exhibited models.
Take a seat at our large advice counter.
Make yourself comfortable on one of the sofas in our salon.
With us you will find the leisure to make the right choice – for sure!

Relaxing atmosphere: bright light, soft natural colours, timeless modern design – with us you can switch off and leave the stress of everyday life behind you. Feel at home!

Models for every type: Are you looking for something very special? You prefer traditional? We carry a large number of brands from well-known suppliers and small, exclusive labels. Choose your favourite models!

everyday luxury



to see the world

in a perfect way

details – with love



clear and bright




Our opticion shop is unusual! Our team and our service are too! We advise and support you at the highest level and always want to find the optimal solution for you. See for yourself!

We do not leave you alone

First-class quality and excellent service are of course a matter for us. We take a lot of time for you. We use state-of-the-art technology, with craftsmanship and tradition. We do many things ourselves – right in front of your eyes in our open workshop.

Everything will be all right!

We are always highly concentrated in our work – and at the same time deeply relaxed.
Be it too! You can rely on us to know what we are doing!



Corneal measurement

Nothing escapes us! We measure your cornea with millimeter precision.

eye exam

To measure the strength of your eyes is our specialty. Especially here we work with the greatest care. The Numbers “3-9-5-2-6” works well?! The second line is a little difficult?
Then we are not there yet …
You get the perfect prescription – guaranteed!




As certified progressive lens specialists, we work with the newest computer-aided technology. With equally high accuracy we process the lenses in our workshop. You are welcome to watch us! The motto is: “the thinner – the lighter the glasses and of course more beautiful”, regardless of whether it is single or multiple-thickness lenses or prismatic lenses.



contact lenses

Looking for sports contact lenses? Do you need replenishment for your daily requirements? No problem: We stock all common exchange systems, if necessary also as multifocal lenses. Several experts with many years of experience are at your side for the perfect fitting of dimensionally stable lenses. We know all the necessary techniques and tricks for handling contact lenses. We are also happy to provide you with the appropriate care product and take care of the follow-up check. Especially when it comes to lens fitting, responsibility and trust count!




Our team in the Friedrichstraße consists of seven individual characters. We are highly trained, very professional and yet casual. We advise and accompany you openly and authentically. That’s what sets us apart: You’ll see!


Andreas Walter

Andreas Walter is the head of our team. As a certified optician / master optician he takes big and small things very seriously. Thanks to more than 30 years in the profession, he has an experienced eye for the essentials. Nevertheless, every day and every customer remains new and different. His motto: Everything is allowed, nothing must.

Nadin Husse

Nadin Husse takes special care of the in-house workshop. The optician’s assistant grinds, smoothes and polishes with great craftsmanship. Their motto is: What doesn’t fit is made fitting. Nadin is a loyal soul. She has been a member of our team since 2002.



Yvette Köhler

Yvette Köhler appreciates very precise work. Coupled with their extensive knowledge and a high level of commitment! That’s a pretty good combination! Yvette has been with us since 2012. Education: state-certified optician (/master).

Denis Lehnhardt

The Berlin native and enthusiastic motorcyclist has been in ophthalmic optics for almost 40 years and has enriched our team since September 2018. Precision in the in-house workshop is important to him and he finishes her glasses with passion. As an all-rounder, he also has a sure instinct for the right glasses when it comes to determining eye lenses and advising customers.

Sandra Behnke

Born in Berlin, she completed her studies in ophthalmic optics and optometry in 2018 as a “Bachelor of Science” and has since become an integral part of our team. The professional and fashion advice she provides on glasses also includes the fitting of contact lenses as one of her great passions.

Ria Kietzmann

Ria Kietzmann has been joining our team since mid-2017 with her openness and open-minded attitude. She came back to her homeland via the cities of Frankfurt/Main, Munich and Konstanz. As a master of optician she assists customers from A-Z and takes them into the world of spectacle diversity. She is also a real enrichment for the workshop.

Azam Khan

Azam has been part of our team since 2018. He has successfully completed his training as an optician with us. He enriches our team and supports us in the workshop and in sales.

Opening hours

Mon-Fri: 11-19 h
Sat: 11-18 h
and by appointment

Book an appointment

Rolf Spectalcles
Tom Ford
Bausch + Lomb
Paul Smith
Lucas de Stael
ic! Berlin
Platzhalter 3
Masunaga Kenzo
Ray Ban
Hamburg Eyewear
Oliver Peoples
Platzhalter 6
Design naturell
Platzhalter 7
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Unser Laden ist ausgezeichnet!


ICONIC AWARDS 2018: Innovative Architecture

am 3o. Mai 2018 hat die Expertenjury der diesjährigen ICONIC AWARDS 2018: Innovative Architecture getagt, um aus einer Vielzahl hochwertiger internationaler Einreichungen die Gewinner auszuwählen. Prämiert wurde u.a.:

Brillen in Mitte – Alte Schönhauser Straße – Berlin (Projekt ID: lA2o18-6956) in der Kategorie INTERIOR
mit der Auszeichnung »ICONIC AWARDS 2018: Innovative Architecture – Winner


Schillernde Momente …



Frisch von der Pariser Messe nach Berlin geholt – die einzigartige Kombination von perfektem Design mit den aussergewöhnlichen Materialien Stein und Leder.

Edel, elegant und federleicht zu tragen. Titan – Nasenpads und sehr gut anpassbare Bügel garantieren einen überragenden Sitz.

Lucas de Staël – für den individuellen Auftritt abseits des Mainstreams!

Zweitbrillen Angebot

Sie hätten gerne zu Ihrer neuen Gleitsichtbrille eine zusätzliche Lesebrille?
Oder zur neuen Fernbrille noch eine Sonnenbrille mit Ihrer Stärke?
Dann können wir Ihnen interessante Konditionen anbieten:
Beim Kauf von zwei Paar Brillengläsern erhalten Sie das günstigere zum halben Preis!

Dieses Angebot gilt bis zu 2 Monate nach dem Kauf der ersten Brille.
Mit einer zusätzlichen Investition von nur 50 Euro, sichern Sie sich die Option innerhalb der kommenden 24 Monate Brillengläser in gleicher Stärke – ebenfalls zum halben Preis – zu erwerben.

Lassen Sie sich unverbindlich über die Einzelheiten dieser und weiterer Angebote beraten!

Das Brillenabo

Machen Sie doch einfach mit!
Gönnen Sie sich schon jetzt eine neue Brille und zahlen diese erst später.
Gerne in 6, 12, 24 Monatsraten. Das schönste dabei: Zinsfrei und ohne Anzahlung.
Nutzen Sie dieses attraktive Angebot z.B. auch für Ihre Sonnen-, Gleitsicht-, Arbeits-, Lesebrille … oder Ihre Kontaktlinsen. Übrigens: Dies gilt für alle Marken!

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